Why Do Cats Knead? Explaining Cat Kneading, a Quirky Cat Behavior

If you're stumped by why cats knead, check out this explanation on one of the most baffling feline behaviors.
The latest news, tips and advice from catster.com.
Why Do Cats Knead? Explaining Cat Kneading, a Quirky Cat Behavior.

Why Do Cats Knead? Explaining Cat Kneading, a Quirky Cat Behavior

Kneading is a motion cats make by pushing in and out with their paws, alternating between right and left. Some cats knead with claws completely retracted, while others will extend their claws as they push in and retract as they pull back.

Cat Teeth Grinding — A Vet Weighs In.

Why Do Cats Rub
Their Faces on You?

You’re minding your business when your cat comes up and rubs his face on yours. What does cat face rubbing mean? Let’s find out — why do cats rub their faces on you and what’s the difference between rubbing their faces on your face and the end table?

Cats and Sneezing: Why Your Cat Acts So Weird When You Sneeze.

Cats and Sneezing: Why Your Cat Acts So Weird When You Sneeze

Does your cat meow when you sneeze? Or, maybe he races away like he's being chased by a giant vacuum cleaner? Perhaps he makes a cute little chirpy sound? The way cats react to sneezing varies from funny (meowing) to aggressive (hissing).

Cat Decor Ideas and Tips From a Pro.

Cat Decor Ideas
and Tips From a Pro

With cats being as cool as they are, there’s no reason you can’t show your love for the feline form every chance you get. You don’t have to go overboard with cat decor — subtlety is the key. There are so many beautifully designed everyday objects for cat lovers.

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