|  | Why Traditional Advice Fails | | |
| | For decades, experts reduced weight loss to simple math: burn more calories than you consume, without too much regard for what you consumed. Another old maxim presupposes that people who are more physically active burn more calories than less active people. Today, however, evidence is starting to refute such conventional wisdom on weight loss. Data from Susan B. Roberts and Sai Krupa Das show that the kinds of foods you eat are as important as how much you eat, and anthropologist Herman Pontzer’s studies of physically active hunter-gatherers illustrate that energy expenditure (caloric burn) stays virtually constant, regardless of activity. The eight articles in this collection present the most recent research examining the details of the metabolic process and testing new approaches, some of which can be applied to how we think about diet and exercise today. eBooks now available exclusively in our webstore! We offer unlimited downloads so that you can sync with all your devices. | | |
Unlocking Happiness | Abraham Lincoln said that people “are usually about as happy as they make up their minds to be," but it may be more accurate to say "as they train their minds to be." Stress and adversity will always be part of life, but we can manage our reactions to them. In this eBook, we look at ways to take control and retrain our brains to achieve a happier, healthier state of mind. | | | |
A Question of Time | “What time is it?” That simple question is probably asked more often in contemporary society than ever before. The metaphysical puzzle of time fascinates not only physicists, but also philosophers, anthropologists and numerous other fields. Here we summarize what science has discovered about the commodity of time, its illusory nature and how it permeates our lives. | | | |
Martin Gardner: The Magic and Mystery of Numbers | Known as “the best friend mathematics ever had,” Martin Gardner introduced many readers to real mathematics, making the subject accessible and fun for more than 25 years through his Mathematical Games column. In this eBook collection, we focus on all flavors of number, from common integers and negative numbers to figurate numbers and the exotic random number, Omega, which can be described but not computed. | | | |
Dinosaurs! | Terrible lizards. That’s what the word “dinosaurs” means. Yet dinosaurs are not true lizards, and they are not necessarily terrible either. Paleontologists have overturned many misconceptions, and in this eBook, Dinosaurs!, we look at what current research tells us and what we still have to learn about these endlessly fascinating creatures. | | | |
Understanding Child Development | How exactly do children become the fully functioning adults they were meant to be? In this eBook, we investigate this profoundly complicated process from infancy through early childhood. Included here are several seminal studies on infant cognition where researchers found evidence that many of our abilities are “pre-programmed," such as the famous visual cliff experiment, which indicates that most human infants are able to judge depth as soon as they can crawl. | | | |
The Higgs Boson: Searching for the God Particle | In July 2012, a Higgs-like particle was found near the energies scientists expected to find it. Now, armed with better evidence and better questions, the scientific process continues. This eBook, The Higgs Boson: Searching for the God Particle, gathers our best reporting to explain that process – the theories, the search, the discovery, the ongoing questions. | | | |
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