Be a Better You

Stay on track with science

Scientific American

Unlock Your Potential

Each New Year, millions of people vow to improve themselves by building habits that lead to long-term health and happiness. Sticking to those resolutions isn’t easy, but science has identified a variety of methods that can help us achieve our goals and live better lives. Scientific American is here to keep you on track in 2018 with these great titles.
The Science of Diet and Exercise
For decades, experts reduced weight loss advice to “burn more calories than you consume,” but evidence now shows that this equation is incomplete. In this eBook we’ve gathered the most recent research starting to refute conventional wisdom, revealing a metabolic process more complicated than initially thought and opening doors for new approaches.
Unlocking Happiness
Resolve to be happier in 2018. We all have the ability to manage our thoughts and emotions, and in this eBook, we look at areas where we can achieve some control over the stress and anxiety of life and boost our sense of well-being, including reframing negative events, increasing resilience, practicing mindfulness and more.
Be a Better You Special Collector’s Edition
Self-improvement—from health factors, to relationships, to overall happiness—requires effort and discipline, and the latest diet and lifestyle crazes are often cocktails of unsubstantiated claims and promises. In this special issue, we explain what the latest research has discovered about attaining professional success, finding contentment in life, and increasing physical and emotional wellness.
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