Ever wondered about the number of teeth your cat has? And do cats have baby teeth? What happens if your cat loses some teeth, due to something like dental disease?
| How many teeth do cats have? Do cats lose their baby teeth like human children do? If you've ever wondered how many teeth cats have or if cats get an adult set of teeth, we've compiled 10 fun facts dealing with the number of teeth cats have throughout their lifetime — and if that number changes. READ MORE >> | | | According to the American Veterinary Dental Society, almost 70 percent of cats start showing signs of oral disease by their third birthday. Although your cat can't tell you if she has a toothache, there are five signs that can clue you in to the fact that her mouth may be bothering her. READ MORE >> | | | | Even the most obtuse of humans can learn the secrets of “cat tail talk” with a little observation, and your cat will love you even more if you can interpret her special cat tail sign language. Here are the facts behind some cat tail signs and what they mean. READ MORE >> | | | | | There are few things less appealing than walking around your house and feeling little grains of kitty litter under your feet. We’ve got some ideas to curb cat litter tracking that you'll love. READ MORE >> | | | |  | © 2018 Belvoir Media | All rights reserved. 535 Connecticut Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06856 This email was intended for firstname90035.notifyme@blogger.com privacy policy | unsubscribe | view online | | |
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