This cat is a deaf sailor's ears at sea.

Felines are a sailor's best furiends.
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Maine Coon acts as deaf sailor's ears at sea

When Paul J. Thompson takes to the sea, he can't hear the sound of the waves or the approach of other vessels. But he doesn't have to. He has a cat for that.

This is the year you leash train your cat

"If you could ask your cat every morning what he or she looks forward to that day, it's often difficult to think of what the indoor-only cat might say," said veterinarian Dr. Frank McMillan. "But it's easy to imagine the response of the cat who goes outside on a harness and leash: 'Our walk!'"

Veterinarian: Add This One Thing To Your Cat's Food To Help Them Be Healthier

Is your cat trying to tell you something? According to Dr. Gary Richter, one of the top veterinarians in the world, certain cat foods contain a dangerous chemical that wreaks havoc on our cats' bodies. Fortunately, by simply doing one thing to your cat's food with Ultimate Pet Nutrition's Cat Nutrathrive, Dr. Richter has seen thousands of cats reverse these troubling conditions. Now, for the first time ever, Dr. Richter has created a short video where he explains everything about the true cause of feline health issues, including how people can naturally fix then, on their own, from home.

Kitties with disabilities can adventure, too!

Not every adventure cat walks on four paws. Some rely on only two. Others wobble or even roll on wheels. Regardless of whether cats have the same physical abilities, they all have adventurous spirits.
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