Keep Your Dog Happy & Relaxed This Thanksgiving

Your dog will be thankful (and so will your guests)!
Your dog will be thankful (and so will your guests)!
Karen Pryor Academy's Zoe Scholarship 2018 Winners
Karen Pryor Academy (KPA) and Dr. Lisa White, DVM, founder of Veterinary Behavior Management Solutions in Cincinnati, Ohio, are pleased to announce and congratulate the winners of the 2018 Zoe Shelter Scholarships to KPA's Shelter Training & Enrichment course. The scholarship, which was created in remembrance of Dr. White's dog, Zoe, will allow its four winners to complete the Karen Pryor Academy (KPA) online Shelter Training & Enrichment course at no cost. Each of the four recipients will return to her group and share training and enrichment programs for shelter animals, as well as sure ways of implementing those programs.
  • Chelsea Sneddon, Fort McMurray SPCA, Fort McMurray, Alberta, CA
  • Allisia Vroom, Humane Society of Greater Savannah, Savannah, GA
  • Becky Blackmun, Michiana Humane Society, Michigan City, IN
  • Alyssa Ginez, Humane Society of Harrisburg Area, Harrisburg, PA
"We were really impressed by all of the applications that we received for this scholarship," said KPA Associate Director Gretchen Carey. "While the shelters varied widely in size and resources, one common thread rang true for all of the shelter applicants: the sheer dedication and commitment to the animals in their care."
Thanksgiving Feast—In A KONG!
Holidays are fun to celebrate with furry family members, but the abundance of guests, commotion, and food can be challenging for you and your dog. A KONG toy is a fantastic way to keep your dog relaxed and occupied during the holiday madness—or any time your dog needs a long-lasting treat.
Certification That's Meaningful 

Our Dog Trainer Professional program focuses on the science behind behavior and gives participants all of the skills needed to succeed as professional trainers!
Click to learn more about each location:

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franklin massachusetts kpa new forest united kingdom kpa san diego california kpa
karen pryor academy workshop locations
Now Offering Early Application Savings of $200*
*Offered on select courses. May not be combined with other discounts or offers.

See All Locations & Dates!
Interview with KPA Faculty Member Shelly Brouwer

Q: Tell us about the first animal you trained.
A: Her name was Sadie and she was a 1-year-old chow/retriever mix. I adopted her in my early 20s. I didn't tell my parents at first because I knew they wouldn't approve (ultimately, they loved Sadie!). Sadie and I learned a lot together; I am forever grateful to her and for that impactful and rewarding relationship. We adored each other. Sadie was also my brilliant KPA dog—at age 12!
Q: Was there a particular dog/animal in your life that was your most important teacher?
Sadie! There were also a couple of dolphins that taught me a lot. One of them was named Josephine and the other was Theresa. They were older dolphins (each living to their 50s), and knew much more than me. So I had to listen and follow their leads. Working together is the only way to get great things accomplished.

Apply for Boulder, CO by Nov 28th!
Meet November Certified Training Partner (CTP) of the Month Heather Adams!

Heather Adams, KPA CTP, first discovered Karen Pryor Academy (KPA) through an internet search as she sought help for Sadie, her dog with severe separation anxiety. Now a KPA CTP and the owner of the dog-training business Clever Paws, Heather helps other dogs with behavior issues, often introducing them to the worlds of obedience and agility.

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