Do cats need winter clothing?

Kitty, it's cold outside.
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All-terrain tabby is at home on sand, soil, snow

Leon the adventure cat has been exploring the trails, mountains, beaches and waters of the Pacific Northwest since he was a kitten.

Do cats need winter clothing?

We can't deny that it's a cute look for Instagram, but is pet clothing really necessary for our feline friends?

Take a tour of this kitty dream home

Peter Cohen turned his home into a veritable theme park for his 22 rescue cats with catwalks, cubbies and elevated spaces for their indoor adventures.

6 ways you can help save kittens' lives

A single pair of cats and their kittens can produce as many as 420,000 kittens in only seven years. While some of these kittens are adopted into forever homes, others aren't so lucky.

We've got cat hats — for you, not your kitty

Our brand new hats are available in a variety of styles and colors, so you're sure to find the purrfect match.
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