The instinctual diet of a cat should be derived from animal-based proteins, not plants and filler ingredients high in oxalate.
 | | | This message is brought to you by a sponsor of | | | | | | | | | | THE SOLUTION High Protein & Low Oxalate. At Dr. Elsey's we make a very important but often overlooked distinction. Cats are not small dogs – so don't feed them the same. Cats metabolize their food differently than their dog friends and human companions. Dogs can survive on a diet without animal-based protein and cats simply cannot. Think your cat’s food is unique? Pick up a bag of comparable dog food and you will most likely find that the ingredient profiles and guaranteed analysis are very similar. The instinctual diet of a cat should be derived from animal-based proteins, not plants and filler ingredients high in oxalate. Our feline friends require over 36% protein to prevent muscle wasting and over 50% protein to promote an ideal body mass. The right diet for your cat can go a long way in the prevention of oxalate in the urine. Dr. Elsey’s cleanprotein™ diet is 90+% animal-based protein. This is important in that plant material is high in oxalate and it has been estimated that 10% to 50% of urinary oxalate is derived from dietary oxalate. Dr. Elsey’s cleanprotein™ was inspired by the protein levels found in natural prey and has low oxalate by excluding plants commonly found in competitive diets to help ensure healthy kidney function and an active lifestyle. 
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