Dear Fellow Cat Lover, Haven’t you ever wished your cat could just tell you what’s on her mind?
Where it hurts. Why she “forgot” to use her litterbox. Where she was out roaming last night. Why she’s refusing to eat her favorite meal today.
She has her secrets, that’s for sure!
But, in fact, she talks to you more than you realize. The swish of a tail. The touch of a nose. A hundred different kinds of “meows.” They all have meaning.
Cracking the code of communication with your cat can be the key to enjoying a healthier and happier life together. And it’s just one of the ways a publication call Catnip will help you derive even more joy from living with your cat.
Catnip is the health newsletter for caring cat owners. Edited under the supervision of the Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, it’s packed with reliable, advertising-free, well-researched advice about how to keep your cat healthy, happy and safe.

Don’t Blame Your Cat for Being Secretive!
Especially when it comes to her health. Millions of years of evolution have taught her to hide her symptoms. Because in the wild, a cat who is obviously ill sends the wrong message to predators, prey and even to other cats.
But if you know how to read her subtle signs and signals, you can tell when she’s not feeling her best.
- Do you know, for example, what it means when her breath smells like nail polish remover? (It’s possibly an early sign of diabetes.)
- When she tucks her head in toward her chest? (Nutritional imbalance.)
- When she keeps her eyes half-closed? (Possibly an infection.)
As veterinary medicine has grown increasingly complex, the jargon used by your vet has become harder to understand. The advice he gives you more confusing. Your options more uncertain.
That’s where Catnip comes in!

As your personal link to one of the top veterinary schools in the country, Catnip helps you understand the diagnostic tools and therapeutic regimens prescribed by your vet. It acts as your “patient’s advocate” for making sure you don’t get too much medical treatment... or too little.
But the best part about Catnip is that it’s like taking your vet home with you! To answer all those little questions that come up between annual checkups…
- Is it safe to give your cat “people medicine”?
- Can you catch your cat’s cold? (Or vice versa)?
- Do home remedies, like brewer’s yeast and garlic for fleas, really work?
- How many hairballs are normal… and how many are a problem?
- Why does your older cat sometimes cry out for no apparent reason?
- And is it true that too many vaccinations can lead to cancer?
So much of your cat’s health and safety depends not on what your veterinarian does… but on what you can do to prevent disease, eliminate hazards and maintain your cat’s good physical condition.

Catnip Acts as Your First Line of Defense
Did you know, for example, that if the owner acts promptly, 100% of cats who drink antifreeze can be saved. If the owner waits until the cat shows symptoms, most cats can be saved. But if the owner waits until the symptoms disappear and the cat seems to be “getting better,” it’s far too late to save the cat.
In Catnip, you’ll learn…
Why you shouldn’t try to pull that string or ribbon out of a cat’s mouth.
Which holiday houseplant is far more dangerous to your cat than a poinsettia. (And a simple way to keep your cat from climbing Christmas trees!)
How to get a cat “unstuck” from a tight spot.
How to do the Heimlich Maneuver on your cat.
And why you should never put your cat on a crash diet, no matter how fat she is! 
Speaking of diets, serving your cat nutritious food is probably the single most important thing you can do to protect his health. And it’s probably the one area of cat care where owners have the most questions, problems and concerns. Fortunately, Catnip has the answers:
Fussy eaters are made, not born. Here’s how to make sure your new kitten doesn’t grow up to be the next “Morris.”
How to prevent a “special diet” cat from sneaking food from other cats’ bowls.
A microwave oven and a can of Campbell’s soup can turn a finicky cat into a ravenous lion. Catnip shows you how!
Why chemical preservatives and lots of different ingredients are good signs on a cat food lable.
Why do cats sometimes eat strange things, like soap?
And if you really love your cat, you’ll never give her exclusively some of the foods she loves most: Seafood, dog food, baby food, and one kind of food that is almost synonymous with cats. Avoid it
Loving your cat. That’s really what it’s all about. But the differences between normal feline behavior and human expectations can sometimes put a strain on that love.
That’s why Catnip is there to help smooth over the misunderstandings that sometimes lead to misbehavior:
- Why does a mild-mannered cat suddenly attack for no reason?
- Why do cats sometimes “forget” to use the litterbox?
- How do you get a cat to like going into his carrier?
- Which breeds tend to get along with each other — and which will cause friction?
- How to minimize moving-day trauma.
- And an instant test for knowing which kitten will be happiest in your home.

We All Want to Make Our Cats Happy, After All
Which means that we spend a lot of money each year on treats, toys, litterboxes, carriers, grooming tools and other accessories. Until Catnip came along, most of this money was spent "in the dark" with little or no independent advice on the quality, reliability, safety and value of cat-care products.
But Catnip has changed all of that. We evaluate products with the same rigorous scientific standards that we apply to veterinary medicine.
In Catnip, you'll learn which kind of clumping litter cats prefer over all others. Which type of nail clippers professional groomers swear by (and which kind they refused to try, even for our test!). And what kind of scratching-post material cats find the most "scratchable."
We name names and talk prices. We're not afraid to "hiss" when we don't like a product or "purr" when we do.
Since we accept no advertising, Catnip has the independence to assure you that our judgments are unbiased and reliable. Yes, cats can be hard to understand at times. But there's one message your cat sends you every day. In a million different ways:
"I love you!"
Show her you love her back!
Tim Cole
Editorial Director
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