Celebrate Math Awareness Month Grab a pencil and paper and celebrate Math Awareness Month with games from Martin Gardner. Check out this month’s selections for two very different collections of his work, or read up on the latest advances in the field. |
Martin Gardner: Adventures in Flatland Celebrated mathematician Martin Gardner is your guide to the planar playground in this eBook collection. Gardner was known for mixing well-understood topics with the cutting-edge, and here we’ve selected some of Gardner’s best columns set in two dimensions, including games like Hex, geometric puzzles of transforming one shape to another, the physics of a two-dimensional world and more. |  | | |
Mathematics in the 21st Century One of the most powerful tools in the science arsenal, mathematics allows scientists across disciplines to test hypotheses about the real world. In this eBook, we look at important recent advances in the field and examine the role of modeling and statistical analysis in understanding biology, physics, politics and more. |  | | |
Martin Gardner: The Magic and Mystery of Numbers Known as “the best friend mathematics ever had,” Martin Gardner introduced many readers to real mathematics, making the subject accessible and fun for more than 25 years through his Mathematical Games column. In this eBook collection, we strove to create a new “slice” through his wealth of material. We focus on all flavors of number, from common integers and negative numbers to figurate numbers and the exotic random number, Omega, which can be described but not computed. |  | | |
Space & Physcs Subscription Discover the latest in particle physics, astronomy, cosmology and more as you journey through space and time in each issue. |  | | |
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