All about the Numbers In the month that brings us Pi Day - also Albert Einstein’s birthday - we’re celebrating all things math with a new eBook collection of Martin Gardner’s popular Games column. For more, be sure to check out our original Garner collection or read up on recent advances in the field today. |
Martin Gardner: Adventures in Flatland For 25 years in his Mathematical Games column, Gardner mixed well-understood topics with the cutting-edge. In this eBook, we’ve selected some of Gardner’s best columns set in two dimensions, including games like Hex, geometric puzzles of transforming one shape to another, the physics of a two-dimensional world and more. |  | | |
Martin Gardner: The Magic and Mystery of Numbers In this eBook collection, we strove to create a new “slice” through Martin Gardner’s wealth of material. We focus on all flavors of number, from common integers and negative numbers to figurate numbers and the exotic random number, Omega, which can be described but not computed. |  | | |
Mathematics in the 21st Century Mathematics is a hugely powerful tool that allows scientists to test hypotheses about the real world. In this eBook, we examine important advances in the field and the role of modeling and statistical analysis in understanding biology, physics, politics and more. |  | | |
Extreme Physics Discoveries surrounding invisible particles, colliding massive black holes, crushing gravitational forces and spooky quantum entanglement are changing the face of physics. The tale of our universe is far from over, and in this eBook, we examine a wave of recent research and take a new look at old ideas. |  | | |
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