New eBook. Mathematics in the 21st Century Explores the Art of Problem-Solving

Scientific American

Tools for Modeling the World

Mathematics in the 21st Century

One of the most powerful tools in the science arsenal, mathematics allows scientists across disciplines to test hypotheses about the real world. In this eBook, we look at important recent advances in the field and examine the role of modeling and statistical analysis in understanding biology, physics, politics and more.

Return to Reason: The Science of Thought

Why do facts fail to change people’s minds? In this eBook, we examine how we form our beliefs and maintain them with a host of cognitive biases, the difference between intelligence and thinking rationally and some solutions for how to overcome these obstacles both in reasoning with others and in dealing with our own prejudices.

Martin Gardner: The Magic and Mystery of Numbers

Martin Gardner introduced many readers to real mathematics, making the subject accessible and fun for more than 25 years. In this eBook, we focus on all flavors of number, from common integers and negative numbers to figurate numbers and the exotic random number, Omega, which can be described but not computed.

The Science of Consciousness

How do neurons create the sense of a unique self? On the other hand, could conscious thought be an illusion? In this eBook we explore the diverse and sometimes contentious approaches to defining consciousness, research into its physical footprints, advances in measuring conscious awareness and emerging technologies bringing artificial intelligence systems closer to adapting and learning like a human brain.

Wonders of the Cosmos

“Cosmos” comes from a Greek word for an orderly and systematic universe. In this eBook, we present the newest, most riveting discoveries about our cosmic home, from what we know of the origins of the universe and the cartography of space to the most bizarre phenomena and the search for life.

The Science of Diet & Exercise

Our most popular eBook examines traditional weight loss advice and finds it wanting. The most recent studies reveal a metabolic process more complicated than initially thought, opening doors for new approaches.

The New Science of Sex and Gender

Vital research is starting to challenge long-standing assumptions about gender identity and biological sex. With this collection, we not only examine the latest studies in biology, medicine and psychology but also, more importantly, their bearing on healthcare, identity and access.


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