|  | Making the World Add Up | | |
| | One of the most powerful tools in the science arsenal, mathematics allows scientists across disciplines to test hypotheses about the real world. In this eBook, we look at important recent advances in the field and examine the role of modeling and statistical analysis in understanding biology, physics, politics and more. | | |
The Science of Consciousness | How do neurons create feelings of sadness? Or the sense of a unique self? On the other hand, could conscious thought be an illusion? The nature of conscious experience is one of the most essential, enduring mysteries, and in this eBook we explore the diverse and sometimes contentious approaches to defining consciousness, research into its physical footprints, advances in measuring conscious awareness and emerging technologies bringing artificial intelligence systems closer to adapting and learning like a human brain. | | | |
The New Science of Healthy Aging | Understanding why we age and how to prevent age-related physical and mental decline can help us to live in the moment and enjoy our health at any age. In this eBook, we explore the latest thinking in why we age, strategies to help maintain good health as well as research into the limits of human longevity. | | | |
Extreme Physics | Physicists are pushing into the extreme ends of the universe as we know it—from invisible particles and colliding massive black holes to the most crushing gravitational forces ever detected and spooky quantum entanglement. The 14-billion-year-old tale of our universe is far from over, and in this eBook, we examine a wave of discovery and take a new look at old ideas. | | | |
Your Brain in the Smartphone Age | According to recent headlines, today’s device-wielding teens are socially, emotionally and cognitively doomed. Reality, however, is not so clear cut. In this eBook, we've gathered what science has to say about the effects of smartphones and social media use on teenagers, as well as its effects on thought processes and relationships and its potential as a tool to monitor mental health. | | | |
The New Science of Sex and Gender | Vital research is starting to challenge long-standing assumptions about gender identity and biological sex, such as work that indicates the brain is a “mosaic” of traits rather than a “male” and “female” brain. Growing knowledge of the genetic complexities of sexual determination is (slowly) changing the way the medical community treats intersex individuals, and in this eBook, The New Science of Sex and Gender, we not only examine the latest studies in biology, medicine and psychology but also, more importantly, their bearing on healthcare, identity and access. | | | |
Mysteries of the Mind | For more than a century, scientists across disciplines have investigated the workings of nature’s most complex organ. Findings from cutting-edge neuroscience are moving us closer to understanding processes like how we make decisions or navigate our environment. In this eBook, we examine the latest research on cognition, how the brain gives rise to consciousness and how we can improve mental health. | | | |
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