Shaping Your Dog to Enjoy His Crate

KPA Faculty Member Laurie Luck Demonstrates How
KPA Faculty Member Laurie Luck Demonstrates How
How to Crate Train Your Dog
This time of year can be overwhelming for household pets.
Tempting treats within mouth-reach, excited children at eye-level, the aroma of the turkey as it waits to be carved on the kitchen counter, the steady stream of people coming through the door—with all of this excitement, the family dog is often over-stimulated and underfoot.
One thing that can ward off trouble is a crate. KPA faculty member Laurie Luck demonstrates how to shape your dog to enjoy his crate during the holidays and beyond.
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Teoti Anderson, KPA CTP, CPDT-KA, Vice President of A Dog's Best Friend in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, has provided professional dog-training services for more than 23 years. She shares her own, and Karen Pryor Academy's (KPA), positive philosophy not just through training, but by authoring books and magazine articles, speaking on the radio and at conferences, and working with rescue and pet-therapy groups.

It was Karen Pryor herself who introduced Teoti to KPA. "Karen and I would see each other at conferences. She invited me to ClickerExpo and introduced me to the [KPA] program," recalls Teoti. Although Teoti had attended conferences, read many books, and watched videos about clicker training throughout her years of dog training, she "always felt like there were gaps" in her education. "It was wonderful to find a program that connected the dots for me. It brought together all my bits and pieces and enhanced my understanding of this powerful and effective tool."
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