Join the Elseys in their quest for a cure, because you can make a huge difference - we're absolutely paws-itive. Learn more about the Cats Against Cancer Initiative, download your coupon, and share your story with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, using #CatsAgainstCancer.
This message is brought to you by a partner of  | | Join the cause by using hashtag #catsagainstcancer on social media to show your support! We also know how valuable our cats are, now you can share your story of how they have made a purr-sonal and paws-itive impact in your life! Visit to share yours. | |  | | When Kathy Elsey was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, the second most common type of blood cancer, she and her husband knew they were in a unique position. Kathy and her husband, Dr. Bruce Elsey, are the co-founders of Dr. Elsey's, which meant they could utilize their corporate success to benefit a philanthropic cause: a commitment to cure cancer. By establishing the Dr. Elsey's Fund to Cure Cancer in support of the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF), the Elseys' generous support of over $11 million since 2009 has accelerated the development of new treatments for patients, while propelling MMRF towards finding a cure.
The Elsey family, along with the more than 500,000 supporters they have inspired to match their contributions, have generated nearly $19 million towards finding a cure for multiple myeloma during a pivotal time in research. | | | | © 2018 Belvoir Media | All rights reserved. 535 Connecticut Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06856 This email was intended for privacy policy | unsubscribe | view online | |
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