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| There's a misconception that cats are curmudgeons who don't make friends with other cats. So, do cats get lonely and do cats need other cats for company? It comes down to a few different factors, like personality and age. READ MORE >> | | | Cat yowling is among the strangest — and most alarming — cat sounds out there. So, why do cats yowl? And what does it mean when your cat yowls? READ MORE >> | | | If you find yourself telling people, “my cat has dandruff,” you're not alone. The most common reason for cat dandruff is dry skin, but it can also be an indicator of a medical condition. Let's look at what causes feline dandruff and how to treat it. READ MORE >> | | | Interested in fun cat events going on near you? We've found a few great August 2018 cat events to check out this month. READ MORE >> | |  | © 2018 Belvoir Media | All rights reserved. 535 Connecticut Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06856 This email was intended for privacy policy | unsubscribe | view online | | |
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