Train Your Dog to Stay in the Yard!

How to Clicker Train Your Dog
to Stay in the Yard
By Steve Benjamin, KPA Faculty Member
Draw the lines yourself
Would you like to train your dog to stay in your yard without resorting to electrical shock? There is a way to do it that is inexpensive, takes about the same amount of time, and is just as reliable as the electronic containment systems commercially available. 
A better way, but there are no guarantees
There is a more effective protocol for teaching your dog—in a positive way—that there is a boundary. Dogs are territorial creatures. It's natural for them to have a space they consider "theirs" and to feel comfortable remaining in that space as a default. The key is to teach the dog what that area is.

No system or training protocol can guarantee that your dog will always stay within the boundary. That's primarily because you cannot determine ahead of time every conceivable distraction your dog may encounter. (Not to mention the difficulty involved in asking a squirrel, rabbit, groundhog, or deer to stand calmly on the other side of the boundary while you reinforce your dog for staying within the yard.)

However, with boundary training you will be far ahead of the shock systems because if your dog does go outside, it can (and most probably will) return to its home turf.
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Continue learning from KPA faculty member Steve Benjamin
at the 
Dog Trainer Professional program in Oviedo, FL 
July & August Dog Trainer Professional Program Deadlines Are Approaching Quickly! 

Our Dog Trainer Professional program focuses on the science behind behavior and gives participants all of the skills needed to succeed as professional trainers!
Click to learn more about each location:

Now Offering Early Application Savings of $200*
*Offered on select courses. May not be combined with other discounts or offers.

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Lindsay Wood Brown to lead DTP National Program in Richmond, Virginia 

Q: Tell us about the first animal you trained.
A: I grew up on a farm in Virginia, so I spent my childhood with a variety of animals, including cats, dogs, chickens, and a number of well-loved horses. Like many little girls, I dreamed of becoming a dolphin trainer. I thought of it as a pipe dream, but I held on to the aspiration quietly, even through college. I pursued a degree in biology just in case an opportunity presented itself, and during my junior year that very opportunity arose! I accepted an internship in the animal-care and training department at Dolphin Research Center (DRC) in Florida, and my experience there solidified my career journey...
Apply for DTP Richmond
Meet July Certified Training Partner (CTP) of the Month, Laura Donaldson!

Laura Donaldson, KPA CTP, combines her extensive credentials with her experience in dog training and canine behavior (and her participation in dog sports) in her successful business Four Paws, Four Directions Dog Training & Behavior Consulting. Her philosophy emphasizes positive training that creates harmonious canine-human communication and bonds.
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