|  | Better Brains on Music | | |
| | When you hear a favorite song do you smile involuntarily? Tap your feet? Music’s strange power over our emotions and memories dates more than 30,000 years ago when early humans were playing instruments made of bone – and we’re still trying to explain its influence. In recent years, neuroscientists have shown that music recruits nearly every area of the brain, and in this eBook, we examine the latest imaging studies of the brain's anatomy while listening to or creating music and discuss its role in learning math and language skills, promoting social connections and treating brain disorders and injuries. eBooks now available exclusively in our webstore! We offer unlimited downloads so that you can sync with all your devices. | | |
The Secrets of Consciousness | Consciousness is more than mere awareness. It’s how we experience the world, how we turn input into experience. Once the province of philosophy and religion, neuroscientists have added a scientific voice to the discussion, using available medical technology to explore just what separates so-called “mind” from brain. | | | |
Fragile Brain: Neurodegenerative Diseases | Brain disease such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s affect an estimated one in six Americans and are increasing in incidence as the population ages. In this eBook, we examine these and other conditions involving the damage and loss of neurons, including other forms of dementia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) and multiple sclerosis (MS). | | | |
Ask the Brains, Part 1: 55 Mysteries of the Mind | People behave in strange ways. We sometimes giggle when someone falls down, swear we've been to places we haven't or continue believing in something despite scientific evidence to the contrary. For more than a decade, Scientific American MIND’s feature “Ask the Brains” addressed questions from our readers on the quirks of human behavior, psychology and neurology. Here in Ask the Brains, Part 1 we’ve compiled some of the best and most interesting inquiries about the human brain. | | | |
The New Science of Sex and Gender | In this eBook, we look at vital research challenging long-standing assumptions about gender identity and biological sex, such as how growing knowledge of the genetic complexities of sexual determination is (slowly) changing the way the medical community treats intersex individuals and work that indicates the brain is a “mosaic” of traits rather than a “male” and “female” brain. With this collection, we not only examine the latest studies in biology, medicine and psychology but also, more importantly, their bearing on healthcare, identity and access. | | | |
Unlocking Happiness | Stress and adversity will always be part of life, but we can manage our reactions to them. In this eBook, we look at ways to do just that – to take control and retrain our brains to achieve a happier, healthier state of mind. We examine different areas such as perception, social support and time management and offer approaches shown to boost mood and contentment, including reframing negative events, increasing resilience through self-compassion and practicing mindfulness. | | | |
Remember When? The Science of Memory | Why can you vividly recall the day your father took you to your first baseball game many years ago, but you can’t remember where you just put the car keys? The process of how - and what - we remember is a fascinating window onto who we are and what makes us tick. In our eBook, The Science of Memory, we explore what science can and can’t tell us about memory. | | | |
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