The Best Flooring for Cats

The latest news, tips and advice from


The Best Flooring for Cats

If you have cats, you're going to have issues with your floors. Whether it's carpeting that catches every single cat hair and thrown-up hairball, wood floors that stain if your cat pees or vomits on …


What Is a Cat Abscess and How Do You Treat It?

Does your cat have an abscess? Where can abscesses form on cats, and why are felines so prone to getting them? And how is a cat abscess treated? Answers to that and more!


Let’s Talk Uveitis in Cats and Why Your Vet Should Check It Out ASAP

What is uveitis in cats, and why is it important to get your cat checked out by the vet ASAP? How is it treated and what does it feel like for your cat?


5 Totally Legal and Safe Ways to Get Your Cat Stoned

Cats are encouraged to indulge in all sorts of mind-bending herbs! I envy my feline friends for a lot of things, and this one is not the least of them. It should go without saying, …

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