Discover History, Culture and Science on Our Ultimate China Cruise this Fall

Find out all the details and plan your seamless Scientific American Travel adventure!
Experience the Panama Canal
Take a once-in-a-lifetime journey
with Scientific American Travel on
Bright Horizons 36: China,
October 27 - November 7, 2018
The Latest in Science & History      
   History of Contemporary China        Earth Science
   The Grand Canal and Great Wall        Climate Change
History, culture and earth science await aboard Winstar Cruises' Star Legend.

Experience an engineering marvel!

Dear Science Enthusiast,

Join Scientific American Travel on Bright Horizons 36 for a journey of discovery in China and send your senses reeling. Taste dim sum in Hong Kong and local brewed beer in Qingdao. Soak in powder blue hot springs and taste the umami of oyster pancakes in the Taiwanese night markets. Hear the roar of urban life and share the quiet of China’s temples and gardens with a friend.

While we sail the Yellow Sea and the East and South China Seas, absorb Earth science from an expert and study the roots of Chinese culture in exclusive Bright Horizons classes.

The time is ripe to visit three distinctive contemporary manifestations of China. Update your Earth science knowledge and get an unparalleled view of China, her history and culture, including her two biggest endeavors: the Grand Canal and the Great Wall. Book today while space is available.

For full details, visit Bright Horizons 36 or contact us by email at or by phone at 650-787-5665.

Book or Price Now
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