Dear Fellow Cat Lover,
How much would you love having a cat translator that could instantly decode all the mysterious and wonderfully quirky things your cat does (and says), like —
Why she walks through the house yowling when you get home from work? Suddenly sits and stares at the wall... or explains why she kneads your leg the minute you sit down to watch television?
If you could just get your cat to tell you why he no longer wants to use the litter box ... why he seems to be sleeping more than before... or has decided to turn up his nose at his once-favorite food, life would be so easy.
Luckily for you and your cat, there's Catster — the only publication that brings you health tips and advice from veterinarians, behaviorists and nutrition experts that specialize in cats.

You'll discover the best ways to keep your cat healthy and happy, techniques for developing a stronger bond with your cat, practical answers for solving tricky behavior problems, products that make cat parenting easier and more fun, heartwarming stories about cats and their humans, as well as fun photo contests, quizzes, breed reviews and so much more.
Catster is a must-read for every cat lover — and to prove it, we're willing to offer you a 100% risk-free subscription.
Why not try Catster right now and get expert answers to all your cat questions, like:
- Can my cat get Lyme disease? (Chances are he won't — unlike dogs, cats are remarkably resistant to most tick-related illnesses.)
- How much should I feed my cat? (A healthy, active 8-pound adult cat needs about 30 calories per pound per day. So, the average 8-pound cat requires about 240 calories per day. Dry food usually contains 300 calories per cup and canned food about 250 calories per 6-ounce can. That means an 8-pound cat would need 4/5 cup of dry food or a little less than a full can of wet food.)
- What is the best age to spay or neuter my kitten? (Most experts agree you should " fix by five months.")
- Can my indoor cat get fleas? (Surprisingly, YES! Fleas can hitch a ride inside on you, jump onto your cat and start their life cycle.)
- Why does my cat wake me up at the same time every day? (It's not just your routine that has him batting you awake at the crack of dawn. Thanks to a cat's internal hardwiring, he can actually sense when you're about to wake up and hasten things along with his paws!)
- Can my cat catch my dog's cold — or mine? (YES! Cats can get "dog flu" and are susceptible to the H1N1 strain of human influenza.)
- Why is my cat's weight loss a sign of diabetes? (Although weight gain is a sign of diabetes in humans, weight loss, along with excessive thirst and increased urination may be signs your cat has diabetes.)
- Need a cat for someone with allergies? Light-colored, female cats tend to produce less allergens than their darker-furred male counterparts.

And if you'll pardon the pun, we've barely scratched the surface of all the information you'll find in every issue of Catster.
- The best ways to keep your cat from tracking litter all over the house — it could be as simple as switching litters. (Lightweight versions are more likely to scatter.)
- Adorable little ladybugs can actually cause chemical burns in your cat's mouth or digestive tract.
- Great reasons to adopt a senior cat — they are typically calmer and less likely to jump on counters and tables.
- How to get your cat certified as a therapy cat. (Turns out dogs aren't the only ones who can lend a helping paw.)
- 4 easy-to-solve reasons cats stop using the litter box.
- Why changes in your cat's behavior may be the only sign of a medical problem that needs immediate attention.
- How to socialize a skittish cat or kitten.
- 7 steps to take if your cat goes missing — including using a dog to help find her.
- 8 common foods and household items that can harm your cat — including canned tuna, aloe, raisins and more.
- 9 natural ways to keep your cat flea free.
- How to bathe your cat without bloodshed.
- And so much more!

Plus, you'll find information on all kinds of cat breeds. Whether you're interested in a purebred cat or simply want to try and decide which breeds make up your rescue cat, Catster is here to help.
We'll show you the best breeds for people with allergies... the breed that makes a great therapy cat... the cat that's a great retriever... and the laid-back breed that's great with other cats and even dogs!
And in addition to all the health advice, feeding tips and behavior solutions, you'll find expert insights and explanations into the wondrous, mysterious things cats do that make us adore them all the more.
We'll help you learn to speak cat. For example, a series of multiple meows typically means "I'm so happy to see you. Where've you been?" While a low-pitched mraaooww is usually a complaint — often about a "late" meal.
And translate your cat's body language. Does your cat greet you at the door with his tail straight up and just a tiny curl at the end? He's expressing happiness. If his tail fur is sticking up, but he's holding his tail low, he's frightened.
You'll even discover ways to train your cat not to jump on counters or trot across the kitchen table. Each issue is full of wonderful, intelligent information that will help you enjoy your cat more and develop stronger bonds of affection.
Catster is an entertaining "cat parent's manual" complete with dozens of "awwww-inspiring" photos. And right now, you can try Catster with our 100% satisfaction guarantee!
To start your subscription to Catster, go here and complete the order form. You'll receive a full year's worth of issues and you'll save 45% off the newsstand rate! And if Catster isn't everything I've promised, let me know and I'll refund every penny you paid. No questions asked! With a guarantee like that, what do you have to lose? Don't miss out. If you love cats... you'll love Catster.
Start your subscription to Catster today!
Annie Butler
Editor, Catster Magazine

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