We believe you shouldn't have to choose between convenience and effectiveness. And we also believe in giving you the peace of mind of knowing your cat is healthy.
 | | | This message is brought to you by a sponsor of catster.com | | | | | | | | | | 5 Reasons Cat Parents Love PrettyLitter Lightweight, multi-cat, ultra odor control — there are just too many options to choose from when it comes to picking a cat litter that's right for your home. We believe you shouldn't have to choose between convenience and effectiveness. And we also believe in giving you the peace of mind of knowing your cat is healthy. Find out why thousands of cat lovers choose PrettyLitter above all the rest. 1. Half the Scooping  The nitty gritty truth is that regular store-bought kitty litter is labor intensive. If you buy a clumping litter, you're going to be scooping urine clumps and feces on the regular. Cat parents love PrettyLitter because it cuts the scooping by more than half! PrettyLitter isn't a clumping litter. Instead, it's made of highly absorbent silica microcrystals. The microcrystals trap odor and bacteria and allow moisture to evaporate. The only scooping you'll have to do is to remove feces. Since cats urinate more often than defecate, this means you have to spend far less time cleaning the litter box. Plus, no more messing with heavy, bulky clumps.  | © 2018 Belvoir Media | All rights reserved. 535 Connecticut Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06856 This email was intended for firstname90035.notifyme@blogger.com privacy policy | unsubscribe | view online | | | | | | | | | |
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