A Weekend of Wonder: Stories & Experiments Await!

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Our world is a wild place, and science keeps proving it. Did you know beluga whales flirt by reshaping their foreheads? Or that a tiny fish screams (loudly) for love? How about frogs using saunas to fight disease

Explore nature's strangest discoveries and check out our at-home science projects for a weekend full of hands-on fun! 

Science You Didn't Know You Needed

What's Missing from the Emoji Animal Kingdom?
Ecologists and biologists commonly conduct surveys of the plants, fungi and animals in the environment they study. Read More
Giant, Sparkly Clams Hide the Most Efficient Solar Panels Ever Found
In the tropical reefs off Palau, an island chain east of the Philippines, lie what at first glimpse look like unremarkable (albeit huge) shallow-water clams in the genus Tridacna. Read More
Here's Why Birds Look So Goofy When They Run
When humans want to move fast—barring speed-walking races—we pick up our feet. Read More
'Frog Saunas' Could Protect Species from Devastating Fungal Disease
Frogs and other amphibians the world over are dying in droves from a nasty fungal infection that penetrates their skin and stops their heart. Read More
Find the Perfect Game to Play with This Interactive Quiz
Are you a seasoned video gamer or a board-game geek looking to expand your repertoire? Read More
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