Knowledge Is Power

Scientific American

Fight Gaslighting


Gaslighting - denying the reality that other people experience - not only causes people to doubt their own thoughts, it also lets the gaslighter substitute their preferred version of reality. This month's eBook tackles the science of misinformation, including how social media is polarizing society, the psychology behind conspiracy theories and more. For further reading, check out our other titles.

Truth vs Lies

Truth vs Lies

How do we navigate the post-truth era, when there is no longer an expectation that politicians or pundits will be honest? In this eBook, we break down the science of deception so that we can protect ourselves against it. We look at human perception and how those perceptions are influenced using technology as well as provide interventions for combating bias and antiscience thinking.

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The Math of Everything

The Math of Everything

Galileo said that mathematics is the language of nature. This eBook examines math across disciplines, exploring how math is the backbone connecting the physical, social and economic worlds. From practical questions about the significance of p values and using math to fight gerrymandering to the top theoretical problems in the field, this collection looks at what math reveals about our universe.

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The Science of Climate Change

The Science of Climate Change

As evidence for human interference in the Earth's climate continues to accumulate, scientists have gained a better understanding of when, where and how the impacts of global warming are being felt. In this eBook, we examine those impacts on the planet, on human society and on the plant and animal kingdoms, as well as effective mitigation strategies including resourceful urban design and smart carbon policies.

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Scientific American August Issue

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