[Video] Halley's Comet 2061

Halley’s Comet is Surprisingly Relevant Right Now Dear Reader, The world appears to be in a perpetual state of uncertainty. Threats surround us as global temperatures rise, glaciers melt, wildfires burn—and a worldwide pandemic rages. Throughout history, science has been our species’ hedge against the uncertainties of our world. But if we follow science’s trajectory backward in time, we can see that our first attempts to decode and classify natural phenomena came not from the study of our illnesses but from the movements of the heavens. Some of the first foreign invaders to infect humanity’s attention on a global scale were comets. Their intellectual taming came at the hands of Edmond Halley. In the short film, “Halley, 2061” we find that the work of decoding the cosmic traveler has surprising relevance right now. | |
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