|  | Entangled in Theory | | |
| | Strange and probabilistic, physics at the smallest scales is driving innovation and research into the nature of reality. In this eBook, we examine the latest mind-bending studies in quantum mechanics, including theoretical mysteries such as entanglement, real-world applications, innovations in communications and computing and more. | | |
Seeking the Multiverse | Physicists argue that any slight change to the laws of physics would mean a disruption in the evolution of the universe, and thus our existence. With the many factors that had to align for us to exist, it can seem like the laws of physics might seem finely tuned to make our existence possible. Instead of a supernatural or divine explanation, this eBook explores the possibility is that our universe isn’t the only one. | | | |
A Question of Time | Is time an illusion? Is time travel possible? Could time end? In this eBook, A Question of Time*, we take an interdisciplinary look at the fourth dimension, exploring the latest thinking on the nature of time and the ways it dominates our physical and mental worlds. | | | |
Mathematics in the 21st Century | One of the most powerful tools in the science arsenal, mathematics allows scientists across disciplines to test hypotheses about the real world. In this eBook, we look at important recent advances in the field and examine the role of modeling and statistical analysis in understanding biology, physics, politics and more. | | | |
The Science of Consciousness | How do neurons create feelings our sense of self? On the other hand, could conscious thought be an illusion? The nature of conscious experience is one of the most essential, enduring mysteries, and in this eBook we explore the diverse and sometimes contentious approaches to defining consciousness, research into its physical footprints, advances in measuring conscious awareness and emerging technologies bringing artificial intelligence systems closer to adapting and learning like a human brain. | | | |
Exploring Mars: Secrets of the Red Planet | Is there life on Mars? Was there ever life on Mars? What was the atmosphere like thousands or millions of years ago? From Percival Lowell, who built his own observatory to study the red planet, to NASA landing the car-sized Opportunity rover in 2012, this eBook traces Scientific American's coverage of the observation and exploration of Mars. | | | |
The Microbiome: Your Inner Ecosystem | We harbor roughly the same number of microbes as we have cells. This complex ecosystem is crucial to our health, affecting many processes including immunity, child development and bone density regulation. Research in this area has exploded, and in this eBook, we highlight some of the most exciting work on how the microbiome develops, its influence on brain and behavior and implications in both contributing to and treating various disorders. | | | |
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