New eBook. The Science Behind the Debates Breaks Down the Evidence

Scientific American

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The Science Behind the Debates

People say that they trust scientists, yet evidence often takes a back seat to emotions. In fact, for issues that cause the loudest public furor - like vaccine safety - there is almost no debate in the scientific community. In this eBook, we examine the science behind today’s most contentious debates including gun control, GMOs and evolution, as well as strategies for understanding and coping with denialism.

Return to Reason: The Science of Thought

Why do facts fail to change people’s minds? In this eBook, we examine how we form our beliefs and maintain them with a host of cognitive biases, the difference between intelligence and thinking rationally and some solutions for how to overcome these obstacles both in reasoning with others and in dealing with our own prejudices.

The Microbiome: Your Inner Ecosystem

The collection of microbes we carry in our bodies is crucial to many aspects of our health. Research in this area has exploded, and in this eBook, we highlight some of the most exciting work on how the microbiome develops, its influence on brain and behavior and implications in both contributing to and treating various disorders.

The New Science of Sex and Gender

Vital research is starting to challenge long-standing assumptions about gender identity and biological sex. With this collection, we not only examine the latest studies in biology, medicine and psychology but also, more importantly, their bearing on healthcare, identity and access.

Music and the Brain

Neuroscientists have shown that music recruits nearly every area of the brain. Here, we examine the latest imaging studies and discuss music's role in learning math and language, promoting social connections and treating brain injuries.

Pain: The Search for Relief

Chronic pain is a poorly understood condition that often resists treatment. In this eBook, we examine what we know of its pathology and the efforts to find non-opioid treatment options including electrical stimulation, spider venom and virtual reality therapy.

Mysteries of Life in the Universe

How did life begin on Earth? Does it exist elsewhere? In this eBook, we present several theories on the origin of life, some of its extreme and surprising forms and the ongoing search for signs – or sentience – on distant worlds.


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