How To Train Your Siamese Cat

How To Train Your Siamese Cat

Raising a Good Siamese Cat
Raising Siamese cats is a unique experience – even if you've been a cat owner for years, you
will find a number of differences in your Siamese in comparison to other cat breeds.
Unfortunately, some people who select Siamese cats as their family pets without
understanding those differences are surprised to find that their cat is not the independent pet
they had expected – and contribute to the somewhat unfavorable reputation the breed has
Choosing the Siamese breed means you should be prepared for a cat that is quite dependent
upon their owner – they are not usually content to curl up on the back of the couch for hours,
or hide under the bed the way many other cats will do. Instead, a Siamese cat is likely to be
on your lap the moment you sit down, and to follow you around the house, “helping” you do
chores and maybe “talking” to you along the way.
Siamese cats are known for being very vocal; with a meow that can rival that of any baby's
cry! People who are unaware of this personality trait may decide this makes them a “bad” cat.
As the owner of a Siamese cat, you may appreciate their vocalisation but still not want the cat
to be as loud or meow quite as frequently. There are methods of training your cat to meow
less frequently that are similar to teaching a child that whining and carrying on will not give
them what they want – a Siamese can be taught that meowing excessively will not make you
give them more attention or put more food in their bowl.
In fact, Siamese are very intelligent animals and can be trained to do a large number of things
you wouldn't expect a cat to be able to do. Raising a good Siamese requires you have a solid
understanding of the Siamese breed and how to leverage those differences to instill
behaviours you expect from your pet.

Training Basics
Because Siamese cats are strong willed (stubborn isn't quite a strong enough term to
describe the will of a Siamese cat!), training the breed takes some patience and
understanding of their personalities. Whether you are attempting to train your Siamese to
keep them from walking across your kitchen counters, or hoping to teach them “tricks” such
as fetching the newspaper or using the human toilet – using appropriate training methods and
principles will increase your likeliness for success.
There are 3 basic principles necessary for training Siamese cats:
1) Remember cats learn in the moment – not afterwards.
When trying to teach Siamese acceptable behaviours or how to do a “trick”, it's important to
remember that cats learn at the moment of action. Many people try squirting their Siamese
with water guns AFTER they've scratched the couch or jumped down from the kitchen table,
and it's already too late.
When your Siamese learns the word “no”, you can get them off the counter or away from the
garbage by telling them no but they'll probably do exactly what they wanted a minute later –
after the “no” has passed.
2) You must be consistent in your training efforts.
It can be difficult to be consistent if your cat is jumping on the kitchen table while you're at
work, or when you're in another room. By the time you hear them and come running, they've
already gotten away with it and you're helping train them to know they can do what they want
as long as they don't get caught!

If at all possible, you can improve and speed up your training results by spending a week or
two home with your cat for training. This will enable you to be consistent for several days in a
row and your cat will learn faster. You can train a Siamese cat even if you can't manage to
take dedicated time for training; but you should expect it to take longer because of the lack of
consistency. Whenever you are not around, your cat will have the ability to do whatever he or
she pleases.
3) Use the environment to your benefit.
Using the environment will help you train your Siamese and is likely the most effective method
you can use. It helps you to be consistent even when you aren't right there to correct the cat
from the behaviours you're attempting to discourage. For example, Siamese cats don't like
citrus scents. If you don't want your cat scratching on your sofa, spray it with a citrus scent
and put in a scratching post near by. Is your Siamese sneaking on your kitchen counters
while you're at work? Fill low jelly-roll pans with water and place on the counters – this will
discourage your cats from getting on the counters.
For modifying Siamese behaviour, the environment is the perfect teacher. It's an immediate
correction – it happens at the very moment when the cat performs the undesirable action, and
you can sit back and reward your cat when they do the things you want them to do.
In fact – that's probably the most important key for training your Siamese cats, in addition to
these 3 principle techniques discussed above, you will want to reward your cats when they do
something you like. Siamese cats respond very well to positive reinforcement.

Training a Siamese kitten takes more time and patience than training a dog, even though they
are extremely intelligent and aim to please their owners. You should begin training your kitten
when he or she is about eight weeks old, although if you get your Siamese when he or she is
older, don't let it prevent you from trying to train. You may not be able to 'teach an old dog
new tricks', but an older Siamese is just as capable as learning as a kitten, although it may
take a little longer.
Kitten Training Tips
Litter box training: Siamese cats have a natural instinct for using their litter box and most
won't require very much litter box training at all beyond showing them where the box is once
or twice. If your cat isn't using the litter box, try using a different kind of cat litter – often the
problem is not the cat understanding the litter box, but rather not liking the particular litter
you've chosen (the scent or texture). If you have an automatic litter box, the movement and
noise may scare your cat and prevent him or her from using the litter box.
Use Rewards Often: Many cat owners fall into the habit of yelling at their cat when he or she
is doing something wrong. Cats rarely respond to negative reinforcement. Instead, have a
supply of cat treats handy and give out rewards whenever the cat is doing appropriate
behaviours. You'll get a lot further in your efforts if you consistently reward good behaviour
than if you are ready to punish for negative behaviours.
Cats Need to Scratch: Some Siamese cats start scratching your furniture, which makes
owners understandably upset. What you should understand is that cats need to scratch in
order to keep their nails healthy. Make sure you provide a scratching post or items that the
cats are allowed to scratch – otherwise don't be surprised if your Siamese scratches
everything in sight trying to find an area that he or she is allowed to scratch.

Behaviour Modification Techniques
Some behaviour problems with Siamese cats may be too far beyond the prevention stage that
they will need treatment and modification rather than prevention measures. To modify
behaviours of Siamese cats that are not acceptable to you, you'll want to select modification
techniques that are appropriate for the type of behaviour you want to correct.
Aversion uses an obnoxious stimulus such as scents that Siamese don't like to keep them off
counters, furniture or other areas that are off limits (e.g., hot pepper sauce,citrus scented
perfume, "cat away" sprays, or "bitter apple.")
Teaching avoidance is effective for oral behaviour problems such as wool sucking or plant
eating, as well as for teaching cats to steer clear from screens, doors, and furniture.
Remember to be consistent and give the same command “no” each time the cat approaches
these areas or begins the oral behaviour you want to eliminate.
Desensitization works well for managing fear or anxiety. First, expose the cat to things that
are not fearful to them, and then you can gradually increase the intensity of the stimuli over
time. If desensitization doesn't work for your Siamese, in extreme cases, the use of antianxiety
medications are helpful in the initial desensitization process.
Correcting Misbehaviour is only effective when the cat is caught in the act. Cats are unable
to associate their actions with the correction unless the two occur within minutes of one
another. The cat must not associate the owner with the action; otherwise, the cat learns to
avoid the behavior only in the owner's presence – which is why making use of the
environment is extremely effective. Other effective methods for correcting misbehaviour are
using a water squirt gun (if you can be consistent and do it at the moment of the event) or
throwing a rattle near the cat during the misbehaviour to startle them. The cat does not

associate these corrections with the owner, but rather with their location or their current
Rewards are used to encourage behaviours you want your Siamese cat to do. Cats respond
well to positive reinforcement.

Training a cat is not the same as dog training, but you can teach your Siamese a number of
skills or tricks that are useful with patience and consistency. The key is to start when the cat
is a kitten, but it is possible to train older cats as well.
Here Kitty, Kitty
It's a good idea to start with the basics and teach your cat to come to you when you call them
– just as you do with a puppy. When you try to train, you will want to have a supply of cat
treats handy and choose a quiet area without a lot of noise and confusion to distract your cat.
Decide on a command for calling your cat and be consistent - “here kitty” is common.
Sit down on the floor and call your cat with the command you've selected, using a happy and
excited voice. When your kitten comes to you, praise lavishly and give him or her a treat as a
reward. Wait for the kitten to move away, or get up and move to another area of the room
yourself and repeat the command you're using to call your cat. Try this for about ten minutes
at a time, but if the cat seems frustrated or bored before you reach ten minutes, stop training
Ideally, you will repeat the short training sessions two or three times a day for a week. Once
your Siamese has understood the “come” command, you can begin introducing new
commands (“no” or “stay”) or other tricks like walking on a leash or using a crate.
Let's Go For a Walk
Teaching a cat to walk on a leash is a good idea in case you ever need to transport him or
her. You can simply put the harness and leash on and walk the cat to the car and then to the
veterinarian or wherever you're headed – without fearing that the cat will get away.

Start out by putting the harness on your Siamese cat and giving the cat time to get used to it.
Don't restrain him or her at all just praise the cat and give favorite treats while he or she
becomes accustomed to the harness. Encourage the cat to follow you by offering more
praise and treats, and eventually you can attach a leash to the harness and lead the cat
without him or her panicking or struggling to get away.
Crate Training
Teaching a Siamese cat to use a crate is easier than teaching them to walk on a leash. Put a
blanket and a toy inside the crate, and praise the cat as you place him or her inside. Leave
the cat inside the crate for three minutes, and then let him out. Don't praise or make a big
deal when you let the cat out – only offer the praise as the cat goes in.
Each time you lead the cat into the crate, leave him or her in for longer periods of time, until
the cat is comfortable in the crate for about two hours.
Using the Door
If you allow your cat to go outdoors, it can get frustrating when he or she learns to scratch and
meow at the door for attention every few minutes, or o come back inside. You can train your
Siamese to use the door without all the unnecessary meowing and to ring a bell when he or
she is ready to come back inside.
Hang a bell from the door you want your cat to use at the cat's level. If the cat does not seem
interested in the bell at first, put some catnip on the string of the bell. When the cat rings the
bell, open the door and let the cat in to get the reward.
You can also purchase and install a cat door obtained from a pet store. The door allows the
cat to come and go as he or she pleases. The doors can be installed inside your own door, or
in a wall of your home leading to the outside. Once the door is installed, you'll need to train
the cat how to use it.

Hold the flap of the door wide open so your cat can go in and out of the door. Put treats on
both sides of the door to encourage the cat to move through the door. It may take some time
for your cat to realize he or she can do this whenever, but he or she will eventually use the
door on their own.
Litter Box Training
If you don't allow your cat outdoors, chances are you'll need to litter box train your Siamese to
avoid surprises around the house. Cats are clean animals, and they use a litter box willingly
because it encourages that cleanliness.
You should have the litter box available from the moment you bring your Siamese home, so
that you can begin using it immediately. Purchase some cat litter from the pet store and fill
your box.
Introduce your cat to the litter box and keep it in a place where your cat can reach it at any
time. In other words, don't put it in a closet or room where the door is sometimes closed!
Whenever you see your cat about to create a bathroom in some area of your home,
immediately move it to the litter box. You really need to catch the cat in the act, sticking a
cats' nose in their poo will not encourage them to use the litter box! Most Siamese can be
trained to use the litter box in one or two days of consistent training.

Dealing with Aggression
Everything a Siamese cat does is unique and exaggerated. They get excited when they play
and even more vocal and energetic when telling you they don't like something. At times, they
may seem to be downright aggressive, attacking you when you're not looking or even biting.
You can deal with undesirable aggressive behaviour in the same manner as you would any
other undesired behaviour. Use environmental and consistent training methods to stop the
action. If it is a result of jealousy when you have guests over (very common for Siamese cats
to become aggressive and/or anxious when their owners have company) – simply remove the
cat from the situation by keeping him or her in a room with the door closed while you have
If the cat is aggressive toward other pets, you may want to keep them separated for a period
of time, giving them a few minutes per day to attempt to become “friends”. Just like people,
Siamese cats will not make friends with every animal it comes into contact with. If after
several days of separation with short periods of time to “get to know one another” your
Siamese remains aggressive to the other pet, you may need to contact your veterinarian for
help. Your cat may have anxiety and aggressive issues that need to be medicated to keep
under control.

Dealing with Response to Other Pets and Humans
How your Siamese gets along with other cats or pets is really more about your cat's individual
personality than it is the breed itself. If you are introducing a new pet to a family that already
has pet(s), it's a good idea to give the animals time to get used to one another. Keeping them
in separate rooms for a day or two might help ease the transition. Try introducing them
together for a few minutes each day, until they get along and/or tolerate one another in the
same room.
Because Siamese cats become loyal to their owner(s), sometimes they exhibit bad
behaviours when you have company over. If your cats meow excessively or bite your guests,
or otherwise demonstrate anxiety when you have other people in your home, you should keep
your Siamese cat in a room with the door closed. It will ensure the safety of your guests and
keep your Siamese as calm as possible. Some cats simply cannot handle guests in the
home no matter how often you have company over.

Coping with New Environments
Siamese cats are sensitive to changes in their environment. If you move to a new home, you
will need to give your cat time to adjust to the new place. If he or she is crate trained, allow
the cat to come and go from the crate whenever he or she wants. The crate may give him a
sense of comfort in an otherwise scary environment.
With or without the crate, you should keep your Siamese in one smaller sized room at first,
giving the cat time to acclimate to the new room. As the cat begins exploring the room more,
you can leave the bedroom door open a crack to give the cat the opportunity to move out into
other areas of the home. Just be sure to keep the litter box and cat food in the same room
that the cat is starting in.
You can try burning lavender candles or spraying lavender scented room fresheners as it is
known to have a calming effect.
If after a few days your Siamese does not seem to have adjusted to the new environment,
you'll want to check with the veterinarian about reducing the level of anxiety the cat is
experiencing. Spend as much time as possible with your cat during this adjustment period
and see if you can get him or her to play – but don't force the cat to do anything because
you'll only add to the stress the cat is experiencing.
It may take a week or more for your Siamese to get used to a new environment, but given
enough time he or she will come around!


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